Grandma rocks!

By Anonymous - 20/04/2014 21:38 - Slovenia - Domzale

Today, I decided to be nice and pay a visit to my grandma. We ended up playing Scrabble. In between passing wind that smelled like rotting eggs, she kept playing the filthiest words she could, and yelled at me whenever I checked to see if they were in the Scrabble dictionary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 480
You deserved it 5 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you to play scrabble, have a meal with beans and eggs. Fight fire with fire.


Well what do you expect you interrupted bingo night

Next time be ready with dirtier words.

You checked the scrabble dictionary? You must be fun at parties.

I couldn't play The Game of Life with my granny. She would call me a welfare cheat and then complain that if women just gave more ******** there wouldn't be so damned many kids.

in my book thats not an fml. :) then again you don't have my family lol

Well, according to the official Scrabble rules you have to challenge, and someone else has to look it up, and there are penalties if you get it wrong. This prevents looking up words you want to find and challenging everything. However, this still sucks, and I feel sorry for you. I know how bad Scrabble games can get. FYL

Sounds lovely. My grandmother has a habit of playing literally anything she fancies and then forcing me to check the Scrabble dictionary to check for its validity.

Oh come on now, poppycock isn't a dirty word.

From the old dutch "pappycack", meaning soft shit. I'd call that quite dirty, or at least a bugger to wash off.