He is worried

By Anonymous - 08/02/2020 01:00

Today, my husband asked with genuine concern if I would be able to breast feed our kids when they are born, since my boobs are so small. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 110
You deserved it 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We don’t have to understand how they work in order to enjoy them

to be fair, men who don't know that much about female anatomy are genuinely concerned about it. He obviously still loves you and finds you attractive, since he married you and you're having a kid together. He's just ill informed


Dodge4x4Ram 46

brace yourselves, here comes the offensive comments.

EmDizzle2007 28

Kids(pl.)/he(sing.) what the hell is going on here? I thought flat-chested girls were supposed to be the smart ones.

Cup size does not correlate with amount of glandular tissue. Once again, CUP SIZE HAS ZERO EFFECT ON MILK SUPPLY

to be fair, men who don't know that much about female anatomy are genuinely concerned about it. He obviously still loves you and finds you attractive, since he married you and you're having a kid together. He's just ill informed

As first-time fathers are always so happy to learn, their women's boobies get noticeably bigger during the pregnancy term and don't always eventually return to their original size. Good luck with it all, OP! :D P.S. Isn't that why God invented baby formula?

guys don't pay attention to that in school. you need to explain it to them.