Hold this for me

By Anonymous - 06/07/2023 15:00

Today, a lady chased me through the mall because I wouldn’t babysit her kid while she shopped. I hate kids and don’t babysit, especially random ones, and especially not for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 921
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A random lady offered you her kids? That could've been the easiest kidnapping in the history of kidnappings! What's in your wallet?™️

A truly insane and irresponsible mother! It’s hard to believe anyone could be that crazy. OP you definitely did the right thing… I can’t help wondering if the crazy mother was trying to dump her kid on OP and wonder if she’d ever have come back - Or if she’d later accuse OP of having kidnapped her child… I feel sorry for the child of such a irresponsible idiot.


You better hope she doesn't do any reconnaissance or not an FML user. She could be plotting right now! Stay vigilant and defend yourself!!

what exactly do you think she could do even if she did see this FML? OP didn't have anything to do with her kids

A random lady offered you her kids? That could've been the easiest kidnapping in the history of kidnappings! What's in your wallet?™️

A truly insane and irresponsible mother! It’s hard to believe anyone could be that crazy. OP you definitely did the right thing… I can’t help wondering if the crazy mother was trying to dump her kid on OP and wonder if she’d ever have come back - Or if she’d later accuse OP of having kidnapped her child… I feel sorry for the child of such a irresponsible idiot.