How could you?

By Ashlee - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while on a date with my boyfriend, he broke up with me. The reason why? Because I took a dump in his bathroom and "that's inappropriate for girls." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 233
You deserved it 7 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xundria 5

....lolwut? All I have to say is if he's that immature, you're better off without him.

You're an idiot. Not everyone has air freshener in their bathroom. People just need to come to terms with the fact that women shit, and it smells just as bad as men's.


perdix 29

He figured out that you were really a dude, since it is a well-known scientific fact that girls don't poop. Sorry, man, about your loss of an unwitting gay lover.

Of course girls poop, silly! We poop butterflies and rainbows! You mean the same thing doesn't apply to gays?

Its actually pretty funny how some guys believe that girls don't poop or fart :P And kinda dumb..

Disco_fml 0

fake. women's turds smell like unicorns and rainbows

skyeyez9 24

Take comfort that you are better off. Your ex is a loser and will stay single forever. He is in for a shock to realize that girls have to poop once or twice a day! Oh the horror.

fat_snooki_lol 6

lol what a tard. find a bf who doesn't care and who isn't 12. girls poop. now with my bf I just don't fart in front of him but everyone poops.. not like you can hold it all the time.

Today, while on a date with "me" boyfriend....are you a pirate or something? Arrrrrgh.

everyone knows that girls bumholes get stitched up once they are born fact.