Instant cure

By Username - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff

Today, I had been sick all day, so to cheer me up my dad drove me to get ice cream. On our way back, we hit a puppy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 573
You deserved it 4 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is a fml for the dog not you. poor puppy :(

What a CAT-astrophe! Wait, wrong pun...


awwww, poor puppy. I feel sorry for u. but, how do u get a pic on FML?

ilynorrington 0
peedxdxdx 0

That is hilarious. I doubt that it was a puppy, i think you said that to have a sadder fml. Either way don't worry about it, the dog's life was insignificant.

JockeyGirl 0

wth?! is it okay????? omigoshhhhhhhh!

Hot dog with ice cream for afters! That'll cheer almost *anybody* up! :o)

oh man I am so sorry! a few years ago a cat ran out 5feet in front of my car. I couldn't stop, and I ran over the cat. to this day I still feel sick about it. I know it sucks, but at least you didn't hit it maliciously.