Let's offroad!

By Anonymous - 07/12/2023 15:00 - Australia

Today, my GPS led me to a "shortcut" that took me through a winding dirt road in the middle of nowhere. My car got stuck in the mud, and the tow truck driver told me I was the third person he's pulled out this week from the same "shortcut." FML
I agree, your life sucks 522
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should report it through the app. Most apps have a way of giving feedback.

There is a dead end road in Death Valley that map programs all think goes through. This has caused a few deaths.


There is a dead end road in Death Valley that map programs all think goes through. This has caused a few deaths.

You should report it through the app. Most apps have a way of giving feedback.

Reset your GPS from “shortest route” to “quickest route” in the settings menu. There is a big difference - The shortest route sometimes involves roads that aren’t very passable or are far out of the way one might ordinarily travel. Once I made that change I had less problems like that.