Letting off steam

By Username - 31/03/2011 07:20 - United States

Today, while on vacation, I realized my parents and grandparents had been running off and doing quite a few errands lately. After doing some sleuthing, I discovered they were taking turns having blood-curdling sex in our other hotel room down the hall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 685
You deserved it 11 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well they are on vacation so let them have their fun crabby!


Decodedman 1

For all those who dont know, blood curdling sex requires copulation, ejaculation, menstruation, and no attempt at hygiene. You're welcome.

ManaUser 0

Perhaps they meant their parents were having sex WITH their grandparents. That would explain the alarm somewhat.

kaylala33 1

Disturbing thought. >.< At least they still love each other though, right? You should go out while they are doing it and have some fun!

EWW! that is nasty! IDC if people think "its healthy, it means there still in love." its still nasty...

Well I hope you stop at 25, and live a sad life....sex gets better as you get older. you must be as ugly as your personality, so get some now, cause no one will want you later.

yeahreally 6

you're on vacation who gives a **** what they keep running off and doing! Psht they're out of the way so you can do whatever you want!

cldean24 4

That's what you get for being so nosy.

OP, you're on vacation, not staycation. Go have some fun. Sounds like someone is sitting around the hotel room too much. Unless your family went to some lame place, there are others around your age. GO HAVE FUN. LOL.

RagingRex 0