
By Anonymous - 26/02/2020 01:00

Today, I realized that I'm on the top of not having my drivers license/ state ID (I was submitting my taxes and needed it) I also threw away my brand new passport because I thought it was trash in my boyfriends car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 494
You deserved it 2 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you mistake a passport for trash? Better yet, why is your passport just lying around the car and not kept somewhere safe. YDI

That's the world telling you to just stay home.


How do you mistake a passport for trash? Better yet, why is your passport just lying around the car and not kept somewhere safe. YDI

That's the world telling you to just stay home.

eggs and cheese 8

just isn't meant for you to go !

“That I’m on the top of”. Add, grammatically challenged to the list of your issues.

This one was quite confusing to understand but I finally figured it out. It's supposed to say "that on top of not..."