Panic in the streets

By Insane Guy - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at work, I jumped under my desk in fear of a nuclear missile attack when the firestation next us let out its new awareness siren. I think I'm going insane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 622
You deserved it 8 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would that even help against a nuclear strike?

Well, when there is a real nuclear attack, you'll have the practice of diving under desks already mastered. And you'll be laughing at all your co-workers with your superior desking skills


I feel your pain..I just didnt know if the world was going to end on China's time or America's..!

I feel your pain..I just didnt know if the world was going to end on China's time or America's..!

I feel your pain..I just didnt know if the world was going to end on China's time or America's..!

I got a business degree to open a shop to trade schematics. I want to see the airplanes fall, because I'm an American. Hide under your desk, I'm scared too. It's hard to fix a reel to reel machine. Ahhhh, scarey scarey. Fml.

You do know the Cold War ended in 1989, right?

I grew up as a military brat; living in Europe I had to go through those air raid drills where we had to duck under our desks (like that would protect us from a nuke or conventional attack). I'm almost 40 and this sirens STILL make me freak out.

Do you really think that hiding under your desk during a nuclear attack is going to save you? That's ridiculous. Get a friggin grip. ydi