
By LearnGeographyUSA - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Kirkland

Today, and for the past 13 months, I've been living in the States. I've been called a Nazi, asked if we have electricity in Germany, and been made fun of the way I speak with my "German accent", the list goes on. I'm not even German, I'm Danish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 107
You deserved it 2 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laugh at their ignorance. Or agree with their Nazi joke and let them know they could be next.

I guess, when you moved to America, you did Nazi that coming.


Sorry then, what they meant was that you love lego.

Must have moved to a red neck part of the states

People in the south are NOT the only clueless ones. We have smart people down here just like the north and we also have complete asshats just like the northern states.

I've lived in the North and they may be educated, but the majority are assholes.

WhisperSoflty 20

Responding to an FML about ignorance and stereotypes with an ignorant stereotype. Bravo.

I moved from Germany to the redneck part of the US and people here love me. I've only had an angry ex boyfriend make a racist remark, everybody else is always saying how much they love my accent and all that. Sure, people ask dumb questions (Do y'all have chickens in Germany?), but most aren't all that dumb.

RedPillSucks 31

Every state has a redneck part. Anyone been to upstate New York? Or the southern part of New Jersey?

There's even a swath of redneck central in California.

Not all of us are unintelligent, disrespectful *****. I promise.

19- I'm Canadian, and despite our overly friendly reputation, we also have our fair share of ignorant fools, just like every country does. I've also had many more positive experiences than negative with Americans, so count me among the many who know better about Stereotyping people based on where they're from.

I'm sorry OP, but we're not all like that. Unfortunately, ignorance in history and geography runs pretty rampant in the U.S.

64 For world geography I had to get a map and write in each countries name for the region we were working on..

blackvyper 8
kut17 11

Only when Hitler tells them it's okay to use it.

What the **** is wrong with those people? I love the Danish! Especially cheese danish...

It looks like a cross section of someone's abdomen from an MRI or something. I don't know, that's my best guess.

Close - it's a CT scan of a guy who was shot in the chest. The bullet passed straight through his lung (that's the white hazy area on the left side of the picture) and out his back. He lived.

RedPillSucks 31

Damn, dragonfirefairy. That seems a bit too kinky.... So...., what's your number?

Let them watch Borgen. Then they will understand a bit more about Denmark. That you have electricity, roads, real freedom, social security and wealth and are part of Europe.

It sucks that kind of behaviour still exists. especially in a country which likes to claim to be the leader of the free world. Still, you can rise above their ignorance, show you're the bigger man. Don't let the bastards get you down!

kut17 11

We "claim" to be the leader of the free world? Tell me, where would Europe be if the US hadn't become a republic? Probably living in their own filth giving every penny to a fat monarch ruler.