
By LearnGeographyUSA - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Kirkland

Today, and for the past 13 months, I've been living in the States. I've been called a Nazi, asked if we have electricity in Germany, and been made fun of the way I speak with my "German accent", the list goes on. I'm not even German, I'm Danish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 107
You deserved it 2 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laugh at their ignorance. Or agree with their Nazi joke and let them know they could be next.

I guess, when you moved to America, you did Nazi that coming.


charlie__m412 4

I was born in Germany because I'm an army kid, now I live in Scotland and even if someone teaches them otherwise they think all German's are nazi. also I got asked if I had electricity or a tv, from an English guy once.

What kind of Danish? My favorite is apple, but cheese is pretty good. :)

Half of my family is German. I never mistake someone for German. However, I have mistaken Danish for Spanish.... They have similar sounds and I am a little hearing impaired in my defense.

American's can't even speak or write English anyways! Be proud that you are doing a better job than they ever will!

You know, it's kind of hard to insult Americans about their literacy when your grammar is failing. *Americans

I am sick of stuck up idiots like you who think EVERY American is an ignorant slob. By the way, saying we can't speak or write English is very ignorant of you. Why don't you visit the real world where generalizations aren't always true.

Americans aren't all stupid... There are plenty of us who actually can use proper grammar and spelling. That being said, when I first moved here from Germany, my guidance counselor told me my English was better than most of his students'. Kind of sad, huh?

Gs Ian sorry, some Americans can be douchebags sometimes

Don't blame the whole country. I promise, we aren't all ignorant, gun toting yokels. Sorry, OP, wish I could say that surprised me, but it doesn't. We are working on changing things, but the Red team makes that hard.

What's wrong with the "red team" and toting a gun? Sounds like you have some ignorance of your own, my friend.

crammer1 6

Unfortunately most people I meet on the red team are all about business, economy, and a social moral agenda. Education is not high on their list. Especially with the oober conservatives. It's sad because our education is so behind. People come to the states from all over the world and are able to speak English but we don't make learning other languages a priority. It's sad.

Sorry the people you have come across have been so ignorant. BTW, your written English is no doubt infinitely better than those who mocked you:-)

Why on earth would you ever leave Denmark? I'm an american and I would move there in a heartbeat.

kut17 11