
By Anonymous - 30/05/2009 14:36 - United States

Today, my brother had his hot friend over. I decided to make a move because he was staring at me and smiling all night, so I asked him which holiday was his favorite, Christmas or Easter while I batted my eyes and smiled. That's when he said, "You have lettuce in your teeth." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 873
You deserved it 47 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is that how you define "making a move"? By asking about holiday preferance? That right there is a fail. And for the record, it's damn creepy when people batt their eyes; damn creepy.

wow. i dont know about you guys, but when i'm trying to score with a guy i ask him about his favourite holiday. they all think its so hot. xD


Is that how you define "making a move"? By asking about holiday preferance? That right there is a fail. And for the record, it's damn creepy when people batt their eyes; damn creepy.

I concure and why were you chillin with your brother? that's a YDI right there.

slushpup9696 12

Also, what if he wasn't a Christian?

Wow... That's not a very good pickup line. Has that ever worked for you??

She posted on new years eve... Christmas had just ended i assume that is the source of her conversation starter.

wow. i dont know about you guys, but when i'm trying to score with a guy i ask him about his favourite holiday. they all think its so hot. xD

I know, right? My boyfriend and I definitely wouldn't be together if Christmas hadn't been his favorite, too. Thank God I asked :)

KrazyKatz3 26

I mean I guess that's accurate if their favourite is Summer, Winter not so much

ZiggyMorrison 0

wow seriously? learn the mystery method seriously it will help you immensly