Taking it too far

By Hypocrisy - 28/09/2011 22:16 - United States

Today, I was called a pervert. On a phone sex line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 657
You deserved it 56 794

Same thing different taste


Today, you have also been called a pervert on FML. FYL.

juicifer 0

Don't profess to use the whole chicken next time..

Considering you use phone-sex lines, you are already a pervert to begin with. Get a life.

well you must be pretty... strange for her to make a comment like that, considering the fact that she works in that industry.

doogy15 11

Are you some sort of masicist... Might have spelled that wrong =P

Domino's pizza doesn't count as a phone sex line

laxerswag180 4

that is a new level of dirty talking

eminemdude864 0

Way to steal that from Shane Dawson.