The workplace from hell

By Gottabekidding - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Ashland

Today, my workplace instituted a policy in which employees must stop and write down what they are doing every fifteen minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 416
You deserved it 928

Top comments

sohigh10 34

log entry 5123: writing down log entry log entry 5124: writing down log entry log entry 5125: writing down log entry...

Clearly this increases productivity. Oh wait...


Clearly this increases productivity. Oh wait...

sohigh10 34

log entry 5123: writing down log entry log entry 5124: writing down log entry log entry 5125: writing down log entry...

I always wondered how the people who came up with these ideas got their jobs

I wonder what happened exactly for them to institute this policy in the first place.

They probably did that meme where they kick anyone who disagrees out the window.

Thus wasting a shit ton of time when up add up how long that would take during a typical 8hr shift. I must assume uou work for a bunch of idiots.

Coffee5555 14

log entry: I can't focus on work cuz I'm interrupted every 15 mins!!!

What if you spend fifteen minutes writing down what you're doing?

"Captain's log, stardate 42736.8... Still no increase of workplace productivity and there seems to be no signs of intelligent life anywhere. Destination: the water cooler next to Sandy who works in sales."

sunny354wi 8
TMO2142 25