By housewiththinwalls - 10/10/2014 23:22 - Sweden

Today, after getting stressed out by my parents having a serious fight for hours, I'm now listening to their make-up sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 927
You deserved it 3 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at the bright side, Make up sex is always better then divorce

Noheartbeat 19

At least they made up. Put some music on. :P


I feel bad for you. You should go to your room and make fake sex noises to piss them off. That, or you can put some music on.

Hate it when that happens I feel ta bro

I wrote a short-story about this. Interesting, isn't it?

You were probably the result of make up sex OP lol :D

can anyone tell me how this could be a YDI? I can't figure out how there are 2k YDI votes

p34chy_98 14
J15237 25

Is it not a good thing that they are making up?