By LameChef - 10/03/2015 18:43 - Poland

Today, after years of providing daily various home-made colourful meals for three kids and a husband, I was asked to "cook something cool, like instant hamburgers, not that lame healthy shit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 154
You deserved it 5 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rylaii 26

This is when husband and children learn to cook their own food

They should be thankful to you and not condescending!


My husband is way picky when I cook.. Then again I'm not the best at making "healthy" food. I'm envious.

This is when you royally screw up diner so that they don't want you to make the things your not comfortable making.

A lot of people don't like nonstandard food. Especially if your husband ate fast food his whole life. Kids usually want what other kids have. They probably don't wanna be labelled as the "health nut kid".

Just start making junk meals every once in a while! It'll satisfy them, and you can continue with what you've been doing most of the time. I used to love when my mom had finger food day... Chicken nuggets, Friday's appetizers, tater tots, and a few different thing in rotation once every couple of months!

So... stop cooking and let them cook. "Sorry, I only know how to cook properly and healthy, your turn..."

you can change the meals to junk some times just for a change..

TabooSushi 24

Not saying that it wasn't incredibly rude and disrespectful for your husband/kids to say that to you, because it absolutely was, but I also think what some other people said here is right: Even the healthiest person likes to eat some junk food once in a while. It's a nice treat, and people need variety in their lives. Maybe sit down and have a RESPECTFUL conversation with your family about what they'd like to eat aside from your usual cooking, and see if you can't come up with some kind of deal. Maybe one or two 'junk' meals a week, as long as they understand and apologize for that fact that they really hurt your feelings when they said that. On the plus side: Having an easy junk meal a couple times a week will give you a break from cooking to just relax with your family and enjoy their company.

They should be thankful that you cooked.