By LameChef - 10/03/2015 18:43 - Poland

Today, after years of providing daily various home-made colourful meals for three kids and a husband, I was asked to "cook something cool, like instant hamburgers, not that lame healthy shit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 154
You deserved it 5 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rylaii 26

This is when husband and children learn to cook their own food

They should be thankful to you and not condescending!


This is basically a free day for you to take a break. It's nice you do that for your family, but nothing is wrong with hot dogs and microwave fries once in a while. Make sure they have balance but my family has a cheat day once a month where we get subs from a pizzeria from down the street. All about variety.

That sounds amazing, they should be greatful

I wish my mom would not make so much instant food coming from a box

I feel for you OP. We do a dinner plan every week, and my boyfriend occasionally complains about how I don't like having the same dish two days in a row. What's wrong with variety? But junk food isn't an issue. We designate every Friday as "junk dinner day" (ex, pizza, caesar salad, takeout food, anything drowned in cheese...etc)

Honestly, though. Cooking packaged food saves you time and energy

I feel your pain. When my kids did that I went on strike. I did provided them with plenty of instant meals, and cooked only for myself. They loved the first week, by the second the were begging me to cook for them again. They haven't complained again since.

I say let them have a few junk meals a week (they're fun and tasty) but since they're so rude about it let them cook it themselves. It'll teach your kids the effort of cooking & cleaning up afterwards (granted it's super easy to make junk, but obviously you aren't gonna start teaching them 3-course meals right off the bat) and as for your husband, if he's got time to rudely complain about your "healthy shit" food then he's got time to cook a few meals per week.

This is why all guys and teenagers should learn to cook. Best experience ever to be able to make the food you want

Once they have to start providing their own meals and can't afford to eat out because they can't cook well, and they get tired of instant everything. I will say thank you on their behalf for looking out for the health of your family and the hard work you have put into all of those meals.