By drkate25 - 18/12/2012 22:02 - United States - Enfield

Today, I ate brunch at my in-laws. The food all tasted off to me so I didn't eat much, telling my mother-in-law I was watching my weight. Later on, while out doing a bit of shopping, I stopped at a red light. Guess who pulled up next to me while I was scarfing a fast food burger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 856
You deserved it 30 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Scarf away not your fault they don't know how to cook.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Just tell them you ARE watching your weight... Go up!


Iknoweverything 29

Why didn't you just say you weren't very hungry? Lying about dieting has too many risks... your in-laws might serve you some AWFUL diet food just to be supportive next time.

Why are there so many YDIs? Im sure most people don't eat much of a food they dont find appetizing. At least OP had the right sense to give it a try and give a respectful response (even if it was a lie) instead of out right saying it was disgusting.

TINTED windows!!! You should call her and start crying and say "you weren't suppose to see me in my weakened state--I caved!!"

voncrane 23

Tell her you were just having a burger with no fries.. If that fails, break out d diet coke story.

That's what you get for eating while driving.

Shroom_slayer 11
hateevryone 14

You should've just told her you didn't like the food.

Say you're on the drive-through diet? But, seriously, that sucks OP. I'm sorry! :(