By drkate25 - 18/12/2012 22:02 - United States - Enfield

Today, I ate brunch at my in-laws. The food all tasted off to me so I didn't eat much, telling my mother-in-law I was watching my weight. Later on, while out doing a bit of shopping, I stopped at a red light. Guess who pulled up next to me while I was scarfing a fast food burger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 856
You deserved it 30 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Scarf away not your fault they don't know how to cook.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Just tell them you ARE watching your weight... Go up!


Next time use the excuse that your stomach is upset. That is temporary and hard to disprove

groza528 17

Shouldn't have lied, but really shouldn't have been eating while driving