By maarkblack - 22/05/2013 14:51 - United States

Today, I awoke from a dream that I'd found an Arco gas station that had regular gas for $3.38. I actually went looking for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 230
You deserved it 10 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dinosxxrawr 22

gas prices are ridiculous. if the place is real. please share.


Obey_StudBoii 23

Shit I'd go looking for it to lol. Gas in California has reached almost $5.00

Yikes. If you would kill to pay $3.30 for gas, you should come down to Texas and pay $2.89.

gas is $2.99 where I live, I feel lucky.

Here in South Carolina gas prices range from $3.05 - $3.25. Sounds like hell for you guys else where...

The US has incredibly cheap petrol compared to the UK where the government tries to make more money by taxing it.

thebestofboth 20

Looking back at this is funny because my gas costs 1.89, woohoo!

Now, three years later, gas is around $1.50! How great.. Sucked for you guys back then though

Holy crap where do you live? That is super high. Gas here in Texas is only $1.89 in the town I live in.