By maarkblack - 22/05/2013 14:51 - United States

Today, I awoke from a dream that I'd found an Arco gas station that had regular gas for $3.38. I actually went looking for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 230
You deserved it 10 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dinosxxrawr 22

gas prices are ridiculous. if the place is real. please share.


westboundcali 13

Lol this is one of the funniest FML's ever!

max1236547 4

there are circle Ks in my area for 3.09 per gallon

honoshikun 3

You must live in California, it's still less than that in many parts of the US.

honoshikun 3

I hate those kinds of dreams, I always wake up thinking they actually happened.

kandyz_land 4

Our gas is about 3.20$ per gallon on average in Alabama right now , it's funny to hear people out here complain about how high it is.. I'm from southern California so I know what real gas prices feel like. Smh

I live in Indiana and gas is around $3.80 here.

chezgigi 7

This is too funny- having a dream about prices that are close to what they really are- What is wrong with your subconscious? Why wouldn't you have a dream about prices from 1970's when 50 cents would give you some serious cruising time? Or, at least a dream about prices from 2005-

randomname789 4

Americans really cant complain about gas prices when they are more than doubled in the UK