By soreloser - 20/05/2013 06:32 - United States - Manhattan

Today, I beat my extremely competitive friend in a game of pool. He responded by breaking a pool stick over my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 843
You deserved it 6 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL OP. Your friend has some serious anger management issues.

zombieslayer83 19

Well, that's your que to break yours on their head.

Comments friend you mean assailant, right? FYL and his too if you had his ass locked up, cuz I definitely would!

People like that would no longer be my friend.

olpally 32

RAGE QUIT!!! BOOM, HEADSHOT!!! Your friend is an asshat.

I would then take that broken stick and shove it, broken end first, un lubed, up his ass hole!

OP- That's not a friend, that's an Asshat Douchenozzle! Not only should you never play pool with him without wearing a helmet, you should reconsider whether you want a friend who sees cracking your skull as a good response to being a loser at pool!!