By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 08:52 - Australia

Today, I called my mom from Australia. I have been abroad for two months and hadn't talked to her in a long time. A few minutes into the conversation my moms stops me and says this call must cost a fortune and hangs up on me. A few bucks in more important to her then me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 391
You deserved it 5 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weren't you calling her? She was just probably wanting you to save your money for the trip.

The last sentence just ruined this one for me. Quit crying. And it's "than" not "then".


wowfmlife 0
Eresbel 0

Suck it up. Use Skype. You're a puss if you can't handle two months, especially if you're in as nice a country as Australia. I could *maybe* understand if you were in a 3rd world country and trying to deal with the poverty and language barriers but even then I'd say just go to the nearest internet cafe and IM.

Not only is your "then" misused instead of "than," but in the same sentence you said "in" when you meant "is." This site is usually so good for having decent grammar! :P

onealmxwilson 18

You forgot OP also said moms instead of mom

both my parents would probably do the same thing, FML.

Waaayy too many of these up on FML, either gtf over it or shennanigans.

I think the point is that his/her mother was rude about it and hung up. I'd be pretty sad about it, too, though with much less self-pity. :)

ohhhhshizzz 0

You guys must hate your parents. Cause there are people who absolutely love their 'rents, and have nothing against them. Why correct her grammar, who really cares? It was very rude of your mom to just hang up. But you can also use the Net. But I get where you are coming from.

times are rough man. email her or something.

hah, I'm also abroad and my mom hasn't called me once, for the same reason. Its been almost a year. And she is computer illiterate.. so calling is up to me. It's not so bad.

Osakhomen 0

I think people should talk to their parent at least once a week, even it's just for five minutes... especially if they are still in college. I mean, 2 months is a long time to not talk to your parents if ya'll have a decent relationship, so I can understand her calling her mom. It's weird her mom just hung up... did she not say bye? Next time use Skype, or just email.