By Anonymous - 21/05/2010 12:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that I'm named after my dad's favourite drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 390
You deserved it 41

Top comments

Bloody Mary!! Brandy Alexander? Are you asian? Mai Tai? Dr. Pepper? Tom Collins? Jolly Rancher? Jolly Roger? Tell me now!!! I'm all shaken!!! Not stirred...

Expertfail 0

Could be a good thing, depends on the drink.


I scrolled a long way down to get to the one I think is right :) I was in the cinema and this baby was crawling around and her mum was yelling 'stella, come back ere naaah!' all the way through. I bet she was named after the drink she was conceived under the influence of.

STTEELLAAA!!! Props to anyone who got my reference :)

afallingstar 22
rety1 13

I hope it's not a Harvey wallbanger. that could get awkward..

xobarbienickkxo 4
death_b4_disco 0

Stella? as in Stella beer. don't worry I was named after a song about LSD and my middle names a song about a prostitute. still love my dad :)

sourgirl101 28

Diamonds and red lights FTW

death_b4_disco 0

that's me :) not the red lights thing, the name. good guess

My name is in a song that has pedophilic undertones.

I was named after a character in a book who ends up committing suicide to escape the guy who kidnapped her and locked her up in his basement. Nice happy thing to hear about the origin of your name as a kid...