By Anonymous - 21/05/2010 12:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that I'm named after my dad's favourite drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 390
You deserved it 41

Top comments

Bloody Mary!! Brandy Alexander? Are you asian? Mai Tai? Dr. Pepper? Tom Collins? Jolly Rancher? Jolly Roger? Tell me now!!! I'm all shaken!!! Not stirred...

Expertfail 0

Could be a good thing, depends on the drink.


'Favourite' is also the Canadian spelling. Seems to me, the Americans are the ones spelling it wrong.

What's so bad about that? At least it's something your dad likes enough to name you after it.

perdix 29

Nice to meet you, Hairy ****** on the Beach!

perdix 29

Absinthe, mayonnaise, jellyfish and possum fur. It's very expensive (do know how much opossum shearers make?) and surprisingly unpopular.

Please tell me you're joking. Sarcasm doesn't always translate well it text.

187: With perdix you can generally assume smartassery, unless marriage is involved :) You can also pretty safely assume any drink that lists hair as an ingredient and any homemade facials using Tabasco sauce are fake as well.

perdix 29

Thanks, Irish, I'm always so conflicted when someone takes my patently absurd remarks as being literally true. To me, it is so much fun to leave such a person believing something so bizarre, but then I feel sorry for them and feel like there comes a time to let them off the hook. Thank you for helping out poor x_Helle_There_x out. With grammar Nazis running amok out there, I am glad that there is a Reality Police force out there keeping people from believing such a drink exists.

The pity overwhelmed me. This time, at least. Is "reality" tv out of the RP's jurisdiction? If Bret Michaels gets another show, I'm handing in my badge. I'm not donning that goddamn hazmat suit again.

I bet your name is sex on the beach isn't it? or cum. that could be his favorite drink xD

merziaisinlove 0

umm favourite is spelled right :/

In Soviet Russia, your dad's favorite drink is named after you.

i know some looser would have to make a soviet russia comment. get a life retard.