By talhabilal - 11/03/2010 14:28 - Pakistan

Today, I found out that my entire family thinks I have no friends, am expressionless (to quote, "a robot") and that my monotonous voice hints at the suppressed depression hidden deep inside me. According to them, I need psychic evaluation. It all came out during a family reunion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 778
You deserved it 3 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, maybe you do need a PSYCHIATRIC evaluation. They must be pretty worried about you to bring this up, or complete assholes, but for an entire family to agree hints at something deeper. What's the harm in some evaluation? £100, perhaps, but for your mental health, a small price to pay.


screw them, you're perfect for the frank's red hot commercials

Sounds like you have Asperger syndrome. Just like me.

Reminds me of Daria. You're the normal one, everyone around you are the wiered ones; anyways, like Daria says, "I just have low esteem for everyone around me."

Sounds like a woman I know -- she's so expressionless, I've nicknamed her "the statue". She doesn't have mental issues or Asperger's; it's just the way she is.

Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise!

richardbutterfin 0

strangely this fml relates to me. this is also how my family describes me..

Same.. sorta, I show emotion, but don't hang around with other people too much. I'm not some loser who no one likes, I just like being alone.

At my last family reunion my grandma asked my mom if I was anorexic. Thanks gran, I was finally feeling comfortable with my body image.

Snicks you did some pretty bad errors there. First you put words together and you did not space them which is a major error. So stop being a grammar nazi and get back into Germany.

You mind taking a look where he's from? English being a second language excuses minor errors like this. On the other hand, you thinking that "you certainly need English evaluation" is valid syntax is not something that I believe can be put down to such an excuse.