By Anonymous - 06/01/2014 19:13 - United States - Lexington

Today, I found out that someone had peed into the bottle of Febreze that we keep in the dorm bathroom. I found this out when I sprayed it onto my coat to get rid of a weird smell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 550
You deserved it 5 053

Same thing different taste


Break out the Febreeze again! I see no way this can go wrong.

The first time I read this I thought you said that you sprayed your cat and I was like dear God, good luck washing that, but then when I read it again I see you said coat so hopefully you can just wash it and get the smell right out.

Unless it was the kind of Febreeze I think they recently came out with where it gets rid of odors, but doesn't actually create a fragrance, YDI. People have fragrance sensitivities, you know.

How does a girl aim to pee in that bottle hole? Hmmm

Febreze's new "Natural Scents" line of deodorizers is really getting out of hand. I'd imagine that dogs and cats could appreciate that bottle of spray, OP; at least now, they'll stop peeing on everything you own. I'll take the bacon-scented spray, please (it's real, my friends).

Time to prank up the miscreant <if discovered> creatively... or just buy your own Fabreze :)