By wastedlove - 23/06/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, I had sex with this guy who I like very much. As he went to leave I decided to give him one last thrill. So I reached down his pants and started to rub and stroke him. He abruptly pulled my hand out, when I asked why, he points behind me, my mom watched the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 078
You deserved it 73 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brooklyngirl_fml 0

Stop ******* in your mom's house.

Correction we are animals : Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Mammalia Subclass: Theria Infraclass: Eutheria Order: Primates Suborder: Anthropoidea Superfamily: Hominoidea Family: Hominidae Genus: **** Species: sapiens


Oh come on! Calling the OP is such a fkn cheap shot. Just because a girl chooses to have sex with a guy she likes doesn't make her a ****. She didn't say a word about there being other men now did she you fkn *%^%$%$. grr I'm angry at people today... Anyways, you should have waited to have sex with the guy until your mom wasn't around. Knowing mothers, she probably heard the whole thing even if you were in your room with the door closed.

You are amazing. Everyone is probably disagreeing with you, well, I am not. xD People are calling her a **** just because she is having sex with a guy? What is up with people these days? They are fuc.king messed up er something. You just made my day. (:

Another proud moment for mom. Hope you're on contraception so she's not stuck with another unasked-for proud moment in 9 months.

Edenbeam 19

YDI for not looking to make sure no one was there.

O_o you guys overreact. OP: Epic Fail. Ha!

If you're old enough to live on your own and your mom happened to be visiting YOUR house, then its no big deal; she'd forget whatever happened. But if you're still living with your mom and if you're expecting a long lecture and some ground rules; then you deserve it.

dmj1220 0

Ffs, its just sex. So what mom saw it. Its not like she never did that.

There's no such thing as 'just sex', it's a big deal, it's sad that today's society doesn't think so anymore...

Children should not engage in child making activity. That is all.

tay7 0

hahahahah this made me laugh. fml.