By wastedlove - 23/06/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, I had sex with this guy who I like very much. As he went to leave I decided to give him one last thrill. So I reached down his pants and started to rub and stroke him. He abruptly pulled my hand out, when I asked why, he points behind me, my mom watched the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 078
You deserved it 73 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brooklyngirl_fml 0

Stop ******* in your mom's house.

Correction we are animals : Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Mammalia Subclass: Theria Infraclass: Eutheria Order: Primates Suborder: Anthropoidea Superfamily: Hominoidea Family: Hominidae Genus: **** Species: sapiens


But still... try to be more observant?

which she kinda deserves, her life is kinda fuckd

Wow YDI for acting like a horny animal... It's not the problem that you had sex with that guy.It's that you started doing perverted things to that guy even though you knew you can get caught can't you even live 10mins without doing something perverted?

You should have played the bongos on his PENIS

yaintime21 0

... I don't get it. Your mom was just in the room and you didn't even see her? And she didn't even take the hint to leave? Messed up.

UhSureWhyNot 0

Eh. YDI for not noticing your mom. FYL for trying to have a little intimacy and all the bitchy people here calling you a ****.

wastedlove 0

ok so here's what happened so all to sick mnded idiots can stop your nagging. I live with my parents ok I'm not old enough to move out and I'm still in school. We had sex while they weren't home he slept over and and when I went down on him I thoght we were alone but my mother walked in the room to ask me somthing. Now can you all grow up?!

YDI for not being subtle while under your parent's roof.

How many of you ******* retards are there out there. GET A ******* LOCK ON YOUR DOOR! Isnt hard. Im trying to understand how you didnt hear her though, Im gathering she knocked or said something, or was she just staring at you, wanking off your boyfriend? YDI and FYL.

Op: FYL. For all you people saying that its disrespectful to have sex at others people houses.. your probably just virgins who cant get any or people that get some action but its weak because your not hot enough to get your guy going or your a guy that just has issues getting well.. up. She is not a **** for having sex with a guy she likes.. obviously the people who think she is a **** have never been in the heat of the moment when you and another person are hot and ready to go. Sex is fun and having it where ever when ever with a guy you like does not make her a ****. its not like shes ******* every guy that crosses her path. And her back was too her mom when she was showing this guy some "affection" so she obviously wouldnt have seen him. She should be move careful with her hands but sometimes hands have a mind of their own especially when it comes to a guy your into.. Oh and sex in your parents house is not a crime and everyone does it even your parents there not as innocent as you think. Were all animals and your right we should be able to control ourselves but sometimes letting the animal instinct take over makes it that much hotter :) you would know this if you eventually decide to let go and live.