By pinkXpress1023 - 08/07/2013 18:55 - United Kingdom

Today, I had the opportunity to taste a live spider by walking into its web in the dark. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 113
You deserved it 4 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments


IGaveRickUp 15
NobodyImportant0 10

Idk who I should feel sorry for. The poor spider minding its own business or the OP, who got to taste it. Hope you spit it out before you got bit though.

I'd be scarred for life if that happened to me...fyl OP

Well, look on the least you weren't in Australia!

the spider would have eaten OP if they were in Australia.

Yeah, in the UK spiders are tiny.

If ever you questioned your karate skills try walking into a big spider web, instant kung fu skills.

Well the human eats an average of four spiders in their sleep...

Funny how those spider-eating statistics were all made up exactly as part of an example that a lot of people believe anything that they read or hear. See and so many other sources.

Wow that sucks op. but, at least it's protein?? But take a flashlight with you next time! A lesson well learned

Infinity1337 11

Did you turn into spiderman?

So you bit it? It didn't bite you? Dang it! Guess you won't be turning into Spider-Man...

Don't we eat like 7 spiders in our sleep in a year? Op, you're just getting a higher intake than the rest of us :)