By korbo7 - 17/05/2016 03:26 - United States - Grand Island

Today, I saw a man help an elderly lady with her tray at the local McDonald's. I wanted to do something nice for him, so I added a couple extra nuggets in his meal. He later came up to me and told me I was dumb and didn't know how to count, and that was why I was working at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 609
You deserved it 1 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drayloon 50

Extra McNuggets are considered a McBlessing to most people

Goblin182 26

No good deed goes unpunished.


Mehokaay 14

Anyone who complains about getting extra food is dumb.

What an asshole. You gave him MORE than he paid for and he STILL complained? Idiot. I don't get why people have to go out of their way to be rude. It makes no sense.

i feel like ive seen this before?!?!?

"Sorry, I was trying to be nice. Won't happen again!"

And that is why I let Karma handle everything

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

No good deed goes unpunished

Man, this guy is a walking McContradiction. He helps an old lady, and goes out of his way to be a dick to you all in one sitting. Utterly puzzling.

Obviously it depends on the store you work in, but this is theft and while it was a wonderful gesture on your part it is more than likely to cost you your job if management take issue with it.

:D the look in my face when I get 7 nuggets instead of six

burgermike92 17

**** that guy and his mcnuggets.