By korbo7 - 17/05/2016 03:26 - United States - Grand Island

Today, I saw a man help an elderly lady with her tray at the local McDonald's. I wanted to do something nice for him, so I added a couple extra nuggets in his meal. He later came up to me and told me I was dumb and didn't know how to count, and that was why I was working at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 609
You deserved it 1 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drayloon 50

Extra McNuggets are considered a McBlessing to most people

Goblin182 26

No good deed goes unpunished.


Nebraska mcdonalds huh? Idk if you work in Lincoln but I used to, and there are some terrible customers. Especially at the McDonald's off highway 2

I've had this happen to me as a customer. One day, after a really rough day, I went to McDonald's and for the life of me, I could not find the cookies on the menu. Out of desperation I asked the person working the drive thru if the cookies were still available and if they still had the 3 for a dollar deal. He said yes and so, with a sigh of relief, I ordered cookies and a sweet tea. When I got my order, I had 4 cookies in the bag. Not once did I think he couldn't count or was dumb. I figured he heard the desperation and fear in my voice that the cookies were gone and gave me an extra. That extra cookie may have not been much, but on that day, it made my day and put me in a better mood.

dragoongirl90 34

Whenever I get extra I always think it was a worker being nice. That guy sounds like a major dick.

And that's what good people get for being kind

There needs to be more people like you

Rammer3500 23

People aren't used to the idea of someone being polite anymore.

I would have left a note or something saying what he did was great, lol. Or tell him what you saw him do after he called you an idiot and stuff.

faith in humanity resto- oh. never mind.

Who counts the amount of nuggets they get?

Someone who has a to compulsively count everything: me for example.