By zero_minded12 - 21/05/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I was at the mall blasting music. I was wearing a nice shirt, and had my iPod in my breast pocket. I noticed a cute girl smiling at me, so I smiled back and as she started to walk over, I turned down my music while smiling. It looked like I was rubbing my nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 411
You deserved it 120

Top comments

GHEE_fml 0

Okay, you have got to admit that was pretty damn funny. Think before you act dude XD.

Gotta love how these things are designed. XD



Joeywan 0

That's absolutely hilarious. Congratulations. OH, and FYL.

lmao! circular motion... one finger... boner... well if it was me, i wud know it was an ipod :P

#18, you are so right. shit so loud you can clearly hear from the other side of the room. BTW that was a fucken hilarious FML :))

LoveToSmile101 0

Lmao circular motion..Best FML in a while!

hahayou12345 0

I have to give it to you for being such a joke, in a good way. HAHA.

I'm a bit confused with this one, is OP a girl or a guy? Isn’t there a difference between shirt pocket and breast pocket? I thought only girls can have breast pockets, unless you’re a guy with man boobs, then it just makes it that much funnier.