By imnotcool - 16/04/2009 05:08 - United States

Today, I was driving home from work when I saw a cop come up behind me. Nervous about my expired license, I kept checking in my rear view mirror. In turn since I wasn't paying attention, I ran a stop sign. Needless to say the cop pulled me over and gave me 2 tickets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 561
You deserved it 68 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were driving with an expired license. You absolutely deserved it. Follow the law. It isn't hard to do.

Socrates_fml 0

you'd never get caught for the expired license if you didn't run the stop sign. at least u didn't kill anyone in the crosswalk, cuz then you'd have 3 tickets


You were driving with an expired license. You absolutely deserved it. Follow the law. It isn't hard to do.

what do you have to do to get a new license? like pass a new driving test or just some bureaucratic thing? I am asking because in Germany your license can't expire. you just need a new one if yours is damaged or lost.

Socrates_fml 0

you'd never get caught for the expired license if you didn't run the stop sign. at least u didn't kill anyone in the crosswalk, cuz then you'd have 3 tickets

RichHurtz 0

And this, friends, is why you never panic when a cop is behind you. If you're doing nothing wrong, they'll have no reason to pull you over.

you deserved it for having an expired license in the first place. if you had a valid licence, none of this would've happened so you totally deserved it.

i_like_chicks 0

YDI you dont get nervous, dude, just drive o.O

chimmy 0

YDI for not paying attention. If you'd stopped at the stop sign, you would have gotten zero tickets.

#2: "At least you didn't kill anyone in the crosswalk, cuz then you'd have 3 tickets" Really?

You had reason to be worried, I heard they have detectors in the cop cars now that can detect whether or not you have an expired license.

why do people get so paranoid whenever they see a cop car? as long as you act normally and don't speed you don't get ticketed. just by looking at your car he wouldn't know your license was expired... also, wow, #9, i really hope you're being sarcastic.