By Anonymous - 09/11/2012 18:28 - Argentina - Villa Sarmiento

Today, I was giving my son a driving lesson. He blatantly ran a red light, so I told him to pull over to let me drive us home. As I walked over to the driver-side door, he instead locked me out and drove off by himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 961
You deserved it 7 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alexhaz64 4

Well looks like he won't be allowed to take the car anymore!


I'm sure he just wanted to drive. It really really REALLY gets beyond bitchy, annoying, and bothersome when parents bailey give us kids a chance.

I really hope you're kidding... And by the age I see on your profile, I'm guessing that you're not. The kid ran a red light, which could have possibly killed him and his father if there were other cars going through not expecting a car to drive into them. I hope that OP called the cops for auto theft (though I'm not sure if OP would end up actually paying for the ticket or not of OP's son is under 18), and I hope that the kid was severely punished when they got home, as well as the kid not being able to get his license until he was 18.

strwbrymochi15 2

Make him go outside for something and proceed to lock him out of the house.

Is it possible to run a red light in a way that isn't blatant? Would you have been less inclined to scold him if he run the red light in a more subtle manner? I would have shut the car off and taken the keys out of the ignition before getting out.

By blatant, OP might have meant just straight up running a red light that had been red for a while, as opposed to when that light turns yellow at an awkward distance and you don't know if you can make it or not, so you speed up to get through the intersection and the light turns red on you.

did you beat him with the belt buckle? b/c i would

gregkingsley 4
Knightchaser27 25

Not really,being a teenager is overrated

winkydog4056 16

Sorry to say.....that's pretty darn funny!

I would take away his birthday for this one. I would just refuse to allow him to get another year older.

b_rad_fml 4

He'll think twice about this the next time if you file a police report for auto theft and let them charge your idiot with driving underage without a license, which immediately results in a court-ordered 6 month suspension of driving privileges. Problem solved!

He thinks he's badass now but wait till you get home... Sorry about your kid being a douche OP I'm sure a good grounding is in order but hopefully he'll learn to respect his elders >_

There's 2 sides to a pancake, and I think in this situation you probably weren't too nice about telling him to pull over so you could drive. I remember when I was learning to drive, if my parents yelled at me for doing something wrong I'd get very upset and refuse to continue the lesson. You need to be patient and realize that he's going to make a lot of mistakes. He probably didn't "blatantly" run the light, but was instead focused on something else which then caused him to run it. He's learning how to multi-focus on his speed, maintaining his lane, remembering gas/brake pedals, paying attention to other drivers, etc. He's probably going to mess up somewhere, and if you get mad then he's only going to react the way he did. Sorry but I think YDI.

Even if OP was being rude in how he told his kid to pull over, that's still no excuse for the kid to drive off in OP's car the way he did. Because not only is he trying to learn to multitask with everything that comes with driving normally, he's now an angry, inexperienced driver by himself. OP's kid still deserves severe punishment.

You think OP deserves it because you completely made up details to the scenario which paint him in a bad light? Gee, so I guess that means that if you said someone ran you over at a crosswalk that I could just say you shouldn't have been juggling coconuts in the middle of an intersection, YDI.