By Anonymous - 09/11/2012 18:28 - Argentina - Villa Sarmiento

Today, I was giving my son a driving lesson. He blatantly ran a red light, so I told him to pull over to let me drive us home. As I walked over to the driver-side door, he instead locked me out and drove off by himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 961
You deserved it 7 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alexhaz64 4

Well looks like he won't be allowed to take the car anymore!


You need to beat the crap out of him and take the car away for a week or two

And this is when he gets his first spanking

If he ever does anything like that again, you should kick his ass so hard, his nose will bleed.

I'm sorry, but AGAIN? No way in hell he'd get another chance to do anything like that again with me.

Your son must be missing a few key brain cells. Hope you never allow him to drive your car again since he's an ungrateful turd!

I would've reported the car stolen and made him think about his decision. I hope you intend on making him prove himself a mature person before handing those keys over.

catkat1988 17

If that was my kid, he sure as hell wouldn't be driving my car again. Seriously. I'm guessing young adults in Denmark are less dependent on cars due to good public transportation (I'm a 24-year-old university student, and I've never owned a car - and while I do have a licence, I've never driven my parents' cars on a daily basis, either, I only drive occasionally), I still think him having to depend on dragging his ass around by bike or public transportation, or depending on your schedule (and will) to drive him would serve a very adequate lesson. What he did was more than rude and annoying, but more importantly, extremely dangerous to himself and others. He could've hit and killed someone with his reckless (presumable unlicenced) driving. But I do wanna say that I don't know if it is common in Argentina to give your unlicenced teenagers driving lessons, but it is neither legal, nor socially acceptable in Denmark - so in my view, even though the kid's behaviour was reckless and immature to the extreme - the parent definitely bears part of the blame for the incident. Especially if he knows his son to behave that way.

Fuckmefusco 2

omg your stupid. you should have let him get out first. i dont want to hear your FML's cuz its your fault for being stupid. also, im sure you can call some to give you a ride home. its not the end of the world. give him a break. he had to poop.

Call the cops, say it was stolen. ******'ll never do that again.