By Anonymous - 23/11/2011 22:58 - United States

Today, I was jogging around the neighborhood when I went past a bar. There were lots of drunk men outside telling me to come over so they could give me the night of my life. One of those men was my grandpa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 419
You deserved it 3 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ilyuhms 0

my grandpa only watches tv and farts

Nolnah 14

Well, did you go over? What a dumb question of course you did. :p


dubstepfreak123 0

I would like for a bar to be in my "neighborhood", where do you live????

"So Grandpa, do you hang out at that corner often? Or was that a special occasion?" Of course ask when everyone has settled down and passed the wine at dinner.

MCRaddict 0

my grandpa sleeps, eats, yells at the tv while watching football, and will work on sundays

chengy4191 7
almostalbino 10