By Anonymous - 26/08/2010 23:41 - United States

Today, I was riding the public bus and a really fat, smelly guy sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder and asked me if I was single. My stop wasn't for three more miles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 882
You deserved it 3 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knibbsy 4

YDI for not making the first move. If you would have said "hey big boy, I bet you're sexy and jacked underneath all those rolls!" then he would have likely suffered a heart attack and died on the spot, therefore preventing everything.


knibbsy 4

YDI for not making the first move. If you would have said "hey big boy, I bet you're sexy and jacked underneath all those rolls!" then he would have likely suffered a heart attack and died on the spot, therefore preventing everything.

haha that's awkward, you could of told him that he's making you uncomfortable and you would like some personal space

Seriously, that's an oppressive invasion of personal space, and your body is not being respected. If he made you uncomfortable, you don't have to stand for that shit and tell him straight up and assertively. Who cares about hurting feelings if he did you wrong and you'll never see him again? It's your prerogative to stand up for yourself.

twoo87 0

oh I'm sorry I thought you like fat guys!!!

sundayporch 2

Well, you could have moved or gotten off at the next stop and waiting for the next bus to come. YDI for not thinking.

how do you do that? take the seat on your back and run away?

not_a_jew_21 0

sugar daddy could pay your bus fare

I woulda gotten up and moved seats or just stood up if need be.