By Anonymous - 26/08/2010 23:41 - United States

Today, I was riding the public bus and a really fat, smelly guy sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder and asked me if I was single. My stop wasn't for three more miles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 884
You deserved it 3 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knibbsy 4

YDI for not making the first move. If you would have said "hey big boy, I bet you're sexy and jacked underneath all those rolls!" then he would have likely suffered a heart attack and died on the spot, therefore preventing everything.


mintcar 9

Okay? Switch seats. Problem solved.

Hect24 0

Was he so fat that he had to use that ramp thing at the front of the bus to get off?

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

OP all you had to do was move big deal... YDI for sitting there...


lol the smelly guy should hook up with the other girl who didnt have deoderant hahahahah

Pyro_Panda 4

To many "hygiene" FMLs for one day. -_-

a really fat smelly guy next you and he wants to be with you? you really lost the chance of your time it may be a little skinny smelling like death guy who hates you just because...

ZomgWeAreClubKid 0

Haha take it as a compliment? He just tried tp say you were cute in a really gross way.. Either that or kick him in the balls.

sallen0046 4

YDI for letting some smelly man you didn't even know sit there with his arm around you for three miles. Learn to take a compliment, then learn how to stand up for yourself.