By Greattitan2 - 29/06/2015 20:34 - United States - Beaufort

Today, I was working at a fast food restaurant when I cut my hand. There was a good amount of blood flowing out so I ran to my manager and asked where the first aid kit was. He then picked up a washcloth and some tape and handed it to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 606
You deserved it 1 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's first aid, commando style.

You could sue them, get some money out of the deal? Or do the right thing and but the place a first aid kit, then sue them when you find a dead mouse in it.


5FDPmetalhead 17

Redneck solution to everything

As a stopgap while he found proper first aid materials, that sounds fine. It's only a problem if he left it at that.

you are clearly a city kid. that is completely normal where I live.

I've had a rusty nail cut my arm I've had my finger slammed into a door and the nail fell off one of my fringes cartilage is broken and I can't bend it i have graphite in my arm and hands my ears are ****** up suck it up man

annie_zoo 27

excuse you, but this is not about who's got it worse. It's the fact that the boss is careless and rude to his employees which is not acceptable.

OP is in the USA. So sue. Staff need to be given / given access to proper first aid, and that is just a joke. Quickest way to get an infection and worse case scenario lose your entire hand! (depending on how festy the wash cloth is). And I suspect the boss expected OP to keep working as well. *sarc on* yeah totally the correct thing, just wrap that up and keep going. you have 9 pints of blood and can loose 4 and still be ok, just suck it up and change the wash rag when its full of blood *sarc off* NOPE!

lisbethcc 15

If it bothers you, make a report. That's a clear OSHA violation.

spyder21 4

I really want to know the name of that place, just to avoid it.

lawsuit. every workplace requires a first aid kit

TheDraconis 8

that violates standard health laws

OSHA VIOLATION!!!!!! Make sure you tell OSHA about this, and get a first aid kit easily accessible for future incidents.