By Greattitan2 - 29/06/2015 20:34 - United States - Beaufort

Today, I was working at a fast food restaurant when I cut my hand. There was a good amount of blood flowing out so I ran to my manager and asked where the first aid kit was. He then picked up a washcloth and some tape and handed it to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 606
You deserved it 1 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's first aid, commando style.

You could sue them, get some money out of the deal? Or do the right thing and but the place a first aid kit, then sue them when you find a dead mouse in it.


What the frack? I've worked in restaurants and they've all had proper bandages and if necessary, gauze in case some blood seeps through. They also have these little rubber things that also cover up bandaged fingers. And they had none of that?

I think you should report your employer to someone, as that is unsanitary and you should have proper care and first aid.