By CA19oo - 16/01/2012 03:08 - United States

Today, I went to see one of my favorite bands. When they started playing my favorite song I whipped out my video camera and sang along. As I was reviewing the video later, I realized that I couldn't even hear the band over my horrible singing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 687
You deserved it 42 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was you. God I thought somebody was dying.....

Haha. Show it to your friends and tell them the band had a rough night.


If you're at a concert and you can't sing, either sing quietly or don't sing at all.

Or you can always whistle silently. Though, it would get a little annoying to others after a while.

ssnowywinter 0

Chances are the concert is so loud you can barely hear yourself think, much less other people sing. But then again, I've only ever been to heavy metal concerts.

xsterlingsilverx 5

You know why bands sing their songs? So you don't have to XP

LaColombianita 26

Lol same thing happened to me but I was screaming, not singing.

xbella 8

LOL not all of us are gifted honey.

This has happened to me too many times.

This made me picture Regina's mother from Mean Girls filming herself dancing at the christmas pageant, haha FYL

Rachlx 1

Thats as sad as it is funny. Sorry OP, but you kinda deserved it.

Try to get a professional video of that performance ?

Learn how to sing so it doesn't happen again!

I never have this problem when I go to see my favorite musicians! As I have the uncanny ability to sing mute. May I suggest putting pale makeup on your face and dancing like clown? You'll get more attention than the act you went to see!