By Anonymous - 15/08/2012 04:04 - Australia

Today, I witnessed my girlfriend and best "friend" getting intimate. In a dim-witted attempt to cover up, my best friend proclaimed, "This isn't what it looks like!" I might have given him the benefit of the doubt, had he not still been inside my girlfriend at the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 559
You deserved it 2 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

paijus 0

Punch them in the face and go get some ice cream.

I'm sorry OP, that sucks! But at least you found out. Now you can move on and forget about them, you deserve better!


gfty 2

Maybe her period started, and she was out of tampons and pads, so he was plugging her up to stop the bloodflow?

Rexxii 2

Bang his mother on his bed and when he walks in, look at him and say, "This is exactly what it looks like."

Sorry that happened to you op, dump the girl, and the guy, he obviously doesn't think much of your friendship. Just move on and find better people

I hope you mean ex-girlfriend and ex-friend.

Alpha2121 0

Hey it's not what it looks like uh give us two more min

Cheating isnt an accident. Falling off your bikes an accident. You dont slip and accidently fall into a ******.....

It should be legal to kill a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend if you walk in on them

Hes not a real friend .. You obv deserve much better.