By 44haley44 - 12/07/2011 17:25 - United States

Today, I woke up to my pants off and my vibrator still on. I fell asleep masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 728
You deserved it 57 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kraine0712 2

Wow poor vibrator. This should be the vibrators FML. Today, some chick was using me and it was going really well. Then she fell asleep with me still running, now my batteries are dead. I have a job interview tomorrow. FML.

ayooBrandon 12

I can't imagine how wet your sheets are


iLuvBBW 0

most likely it wasn't in. most likely girls don't stick it in. most likely just on the clit for stimulation. unless someone tells me otherwise....

how douse that happen? need a man or a woman to keep you entertained? lol

heylesha 8

does* I know you really did not spell it like that. I mean cmon.

princesskatiemae 0

if you fall asleep having sex with yourself then how does the guy feel??

zombieekillah93 0

damn what company is dumb enough to not make vibrators that dont satisfy? theres some retarded companys out there these days.

hotair10 9

your grammar is pretty retarded as well

damn what company is dumb enough to not make vibrators that dont satisfy? theres some retarded companys out there these days.

it's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway..

this_is_my_shizz 7

how does that have anything to do with this??

The_9th_Doctor 18

actually. that's been around longer than Family Guy

newjerseyguy 0

wow, either your dead down there or you were doing it wrong.

cej209 0

or she's just too loose to feel a thing