By michellenKG - 23/01/2012 05:05 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. The only thing I got was a coupon for a couples acupuncture session from my sister. I'm single and have an extreme fear of needles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 206
You deserved it 2 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jellitonoctopus 19

Needles to say you did not go, right?

Glitterhinoceros 14

Needles have never been the same after that Final Destination movie...


hateevryone 14

happy belated bday. sorry about your situation. hope it gets better.

breezyblue33 19

I absolutely hate needles when it comes to getting my shots, but I did try acupuncture "just for the heck of it." The needles are really thin to the point where you don't really feel them going in or out. It's a very interesting experience...but probably not the best way to get over a fear of them.

MMAlegendDAWT 0

You must be the guy that posted an FML about being a paramedic and getting shot in the arm making it sound like a big deal when really it was just the routine vaccinations for the job that you were "shot by". But I know what will solve your nurse! Done! Now your mind is no longer on skinny needles penetrating your skin.

I love your sister xD. You got trolled bad =3

NynjaHOb0 0

lol i actually have an extreme fear of needles as well ._.

You don't have to use needles. They have a thing that has the same effect. I used it