By trina - 22/03/2009 09:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. I started stroking the back of his neck with both of my hands. He told me, "Your hands are nice and smooth like my grandmother's." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 395
You deserved it 7 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_smokin_okin 0

thats not an FML, my grandma has some pretty soft hands as well


alex_smokin_okin 0

thats not an FML, my grandma has some pretty soft hands as well

Yikes. Even if there's totally no hidden meaning, poor timing for the loss....

fillmyheart028 0

does he get turned on by his grandma? ...ughh

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The real FMl here is that during sex, they weren't having sex.

i really dont think that was ment to be an fml moment...

yeah you definitely shouldn't be bringing up your grandmother during sex though....

I don't see how this is an FML! That's an awesome compliment, I wish someone would tell me I had my nana's hands. They're beautiful~!

It's a bit more like F His Life for bad timing lol.

Wow... Ish. I would've just been like "**** it, get off" [no pun intended], pushed him away, then leave the room.