Don't stop now!

By Anonymous - 09/03/2021 03:01 - Lithuania - Klaipeda

Today, as usual during sex, my boyfriend finished first, and then he "massaged" me so I could finish too. While he was doing that, his grandma called. He actually answered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 314
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

diraven 15

That had to be a weird conversation: Grandma: Hi honey. I’ve missed you. What’re you up to? Boyfriend: Just getting my girlfriend off, you know, the usual. **sounds of moaning in the background**


diraven 15

That had to be a weird conversation: Grandma: Hi honey. I’ve missed you. What’re you up to? Boyfriend: Just getting my girlfriend off, you know, the usual. **sounds of moaning in the background**

Tell him you first or nothing next time

He had a free hand, didn't he? Why not?

Wadlaen 23

That's bringing multitasking to the next level!😅

OrySoma 11

I mean hey atleast he goes the extra mile to get you off after I mean I always go down before sex so I don't have to worry about how quick I finish because my finances already done lol but hey a lot of people would be like finish yourself