By ItWasOurAnniversary - 28/09/2016 12:08 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I wanted to kayak. On the way, I told him I had to go back to our hotel because I needed the bathroom and didn't want a public one to smell. Once back in the elevator at the hotel, it got stuck. For an hour. I pooped myself and had to wait 40 minutes after that for help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 399
You deserved it 2 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The moments that make an hour feel like eternity...

I do but if it's a choice between making a stink in public or messing my pant I'll deal with the guilt


The moments that make an hour feel like eternity...

I once got stuck in an elevator for an hour and the smell and heat was so bad. I can only imagine how bad it would be, if someone had pooped in there.

Did you just let it sit there in your pants?? Or did you take them off and try to clean up a little?

Why is this even a question? No one is going to try to clean that up IN the elevator.

Especially considering the security cameras that are in most elevators

Clean it? "i will scrape the chunks of shit off in this corner of the tiny box we're stuck in." "I'll make maid service wipe my shit off the elevator floor" Sounds great!

After seeing so many elevator deaths, I take the stairs.

You should know better. OP got stuck in the elevator.

Even if you don't agree with OP not wanting to use a public restroom, saying they deserved having them shit themselves in a stuck elevator is a little too harsh, imo.

KornyKid 20

they shouldn't off not gone if it was so bad they couldn't hold it for even 20 minutes.

Maybe OP should have went when they had the chance.

Social anxiety or social phobia could be why op didn't want to. Going to the restrooms if other people are in it can cause me a lot of anxiety. They didn't realize they'd not be able to go for longer, if they knew they'd get stuck in the elevator I doubt they would have taken it.

I do but if it's a choice between making a stink in public or messing my pant I'll deal with the guilt

Op so sorry that happened I understand not wanting to make a stink in public but maybe next time you should just deal with the guilt like I do cause it's better safe then sorry

At least the elevator repairman has a great story to tell his drinking buddies, his family, and maybe as the keynote speaker at an elevator repair conference. He deserves it for putting up with the smell!