By Elise - 28/04/2012 23:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend figured out that he can bounce small things off of my boobs, and has been doing it every time I look away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 527
You deserved it 4 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nublets 12

Boobs can make men stupid, i think its in our DNA or something. And maybe see if you can bounce things off his junk and see how excited he is about it? :p

Just treat it as a compliment that you have bouncy boobs


hellbilly205 17

It could be worse, alteast he's not abusing you, or completely ignoring you...

Well, apparently you do enough to warrant a post here.

hellbilly205 17

And i would imagine OP cares as well if she posted it.

starman02 12

And I think I do since I commented

That's worthy of an FML comment? Really? Mundane shit can be posted on here?

Ok I have one as good as this. Today, I was doing my homework and it was not fun, FML

hellbilly205 17

I knew what he was doing i was being a smart ass...

starman02 12

Has he figured out he can hide stuff in them yet?

I figured after I posted my comment. I saw your other comments and said damn it. I had already posted so I couldn't undo it.

People do that with my afro. Except they don't wait till I'm looking away.

I expect Morgan Freeman to start narrating my life along with Samuel L. Muthafuckin Jackson... Sadly it never happens. :'(

mrphychrs 5
marisadc79 0

Well if my boyfriend was doing that he'd be finding a new girlfriend. Um hello, maturity. Sounds like he needs a life. Keep your arms wrapped around your chest that'll piss him off.

Immaturity is a great thing in moderation 60. Breaking up with someone for that... Kinda shallow. Just sayin.

You have not found out that when you kick him between his legs he droops to the floor.