By Elise - 28/04/2012 23:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend figured out that he can bounce small things off of my boobs, and has been doing it every time I look away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 527
You deserved it 4 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nublets 12

Boobs can make men stupid, i think its in our DNA or something. And maybe see if you can bounce things off his junk and see how excited he is about it? :p

Just treat it as a compliment that you have bouncy boobs


Trisha_aus 15

Again, I'll never understand why men love boobs so much...why? Why?!

Because ******* are ******* awesome.

brightaylar 4
JadeWalker 14

My bf launches pencils off mine during school lol so i understand

amberxxoo 6

They like boobs. Let them play.

Believe me I totally boyfriend does the exact same's insane the entertainment he gets out of gotta love em though hahaha

Is it odd I find nothing wrong with that as long as he doesn't do it constantly?

tvhsprodigy 3

I would do the same thing :)

Tell him you don't like it and he should probably stop. Kick him in the nuts every time he does it after that. A good slap in the face might work too. Or, throw everything you can get your hands on at him.